Based on Sam Raimi's classically campy series of horror films that began with 1983's The Evil Dead, this action game follows the continuing, cursed adventures of Ashley J. "Ash" Williams. Ash was recently sentenced to the Sunny Meadows Institute for the Criminally Insane, after being falsely convicted of murdering his camping companions. When Ash's psychiatrist begins tampering with the Necronomicon -- an evil book of ancient magic that has been the recurring source of Ash's supernatural troubles -- all hell breaks loose (quite literally).
Once again, Ash is voiced by Bruce Campbell, who portrays the luckless hero in the films and previous Evil Dead games. Evil Dead: Regeneration plays like a combat adventure, in the fast-paced, fixed-camera style of the Devil May Cry or Onimusha games. Ash uses his "boomstick" shotgun and chainsaw prosthesis to blast and hack his way through nearly endless throngs of "deadites." Unlike earlier games based on the franchise, Evil Dead: Regeneration was developed by Cranky Pants Games, whose previous work includes the GameCube port of Volition's Red Faction II.
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